Thursday 11 August 2016

My Curly Girl Method Experience - Natural Hair Journey

Aloha, lovelies! As some of you may have seen from my recent posts on my social media I have been embarking on a new journey - My Natural Hair Journey. My hair is something that I have always had a love/hate relationship with. I loved the fact that it was curly and 'different' and never wished it was straight HOWEVER I always blow-dried it straight and put hot rollers in to smooth out my natural mane (which kinda seems hypocritical, right?). I guess after a while I kinda forgot what natural curls were like and I certainly didn't know how to look after them correctly. I love BIG hair and I'm not afraid of frizz, so why on earth was I hiding my own curls?! I guess I just wasn't use to seeing women embracing their hair, especially in the vintage scene. I can count on one hand the amount of ladies in the retro scene who I know who rock their natural hair and that upsets me a little because every time I post a picture of my hair in all it's glory I always get lots of comments saying 'Your hair is just like mine!' or 'Wish I could rock my natural curls'.

One day, I posted a photo and someone mentioned the Curly Girl Method and a door was opened! How had I not come across this genius before!? I was shocked by my results! It's so simple, yet so effective and it has been working really well for me. My curls are more defined, less frizzy and more 'curly'. The curly girl method was invented by Lorraine Massey. The method is basically removing all silicone and sulfates from your hair routine and go shampoo free just using conditioner to wash your hair (cowash). I have picked up some good tips and tricks along the way too which I would love to share with you as well.

My Before & After
(My after was using the CGM for about two cowashes) 

My Top Tips

1.Only dry your hair with a t-shirt or microfibre towel. Regular towels can damage hair and create frizz.
2.Make your final rinse as cold as possible. I have found that this really zaps my curls back to life and closes the cuticle keeping your conditioner in!
3.Experiment with products that suit YOU. A conditioner that might work wonders for one lady might be too heavy or too light for you. Find your perfect match!
4.Use your conditioner as a leave-in. Just use a small amount and evenly distribute it through your mid-lengths to ends.
5.Learn about your hair type and porosity so that you can adjust your products & routines accordingly.
6.Apply your styling products when hair is soaking wet.
7. Pineapple (tie hair loosely on top of head in high ponytail) whilst you sleep to keep volume and minimize frizz.

Here is a simple How-To/Guide on following the Curly Girl Method -

So, I have only been embracing my natural hair for about a month now so I haven't tried many products. These products are the ones I have been using on my hair in my current routine. I apply the Scrunching Jelly straight after I wash my hair when its soaking wet and scrunch it into in curls. These three products are all easily available in the UK and are super affordable.
My Hair

New colour!

I am desperate to experiment with more products, particularly the SheaMoisture range as I know they are a firm favourite in the curly girl community. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have! I am probably going to do a few videos on my natural hair journey so let me know if you have any requests!

Thank you for reading,

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